The National Veteran's Coalition (NVC) is announcing a 6 month Recruiting Drive....
EVERYONE eligible to join:
Veterans, Military Personnel (active, Guard, Reserve),
family members, friends, neighbors, social contacts, EVERYONE
Tell all your family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers! PASS THIS ON!
The National Veterans Coalition (NVC) will focus on six urgent national issues:
1. Secure Borders
2. Strong National Defense
3. Punish Employers of Illegal Aliens to the full extent of the law
4. Limit Taxes to those for Constitutionally authorized expenditures(to include abolishing the IRS and replacing the current tax system)
5. Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies and Social Programs for Illegal Aliens
6. Attain Energy Independence within five years
Veterans and their families and friends are encouraged to find out more about the Constitution Party and to join in this effort by visiting the national party website at or by calling 1(800) 2VETO-IRS or (717) 390-1993.
Contact the Virginia State Representative |
by James N. Clymer (Lancaster, PA) Jim Clymer, chairman of the Constitution Party National Committee, America’s largest and fastest growing third party, announced today the formation of the Constitution Party National Veterans Coalition. "I am very pleased to announce that a most distinguished group of American veterans led by Brigadier General Charles Jones, USAFR Ret., of Las Vegas, Nevada, who will serve as chairman, have come together to form the Constitution Party National Veterans Coalition for the purpose of reaching out to America’s true heroes, its veterans. We wish to let them know they have a political home in the Constitution Party, a party which seeks to preserve and protect the national security, constitutional principles and freedoms for which they sacrificed so selflessly,” said Clymer. General Jones added, “Veterans nationwide strongly believe the Democrat and Republican Parties have failed the American people in many ways and have done little to correct major problems in our society. Examples include allowing our borders to be unsecured, permitting an illegal invasion of over 20 million aliens, failing to protect against the effects of Islamic extremism and making us dependent upon foreign oil controlled by states that support terrorists. The safety of our people, our culture and the very future of America is at great risk because the politicians of both major parties have been derelict in not placing principle above party and country before self. We are asking fellow Military Veterans to once again band together, this time at the ballot box, before we descend into a national political disaster fostered by an invasion of illegal aliens and terrorism sponsored by nations on whom we depend for oil.” The Veterans Coalition propounds that the only real solution is to reject the failed policies of the past and replace those politicians who are responsible for those failures with leaders who will faithfully follow the Constitution and truly represent the interests of the American people. To save our civilization, we must enforce our laws by securing the borders, imposing severe sanctions upon employers of illegal aliens, halting all taxpayer funded subsidies and social programs for illegal aliens and removing 20 million illegals by attrition through enforcement. Illegal immigrants are crushing our medical, educational, welfare, economic and penal systems and the American taxpayer in the process. The Veterans Coalition’s immediate goal is to reach out to the 26 million veterans, plus their families and friends, to let them know that the Constitution Party stands 100% beside them in defense of America’s Constitution and its national security, its sovereignty and its freedoms. It will let them know that there is a strong Constitution Party option at the ballot box for those who want to change policy rather than merely changing administrators of failed policies. The Veterans Coalition will focus on six urgent national issues:
Veterans and their families and friends are encouraged to find out more about the Constitution Party and to join in this effort by visiting the national party website at or by calling 1(800) 2VETO-IRS or (717) 390-1993. |
NVC Mission Statement
The National Veterans Coalition is an outreach of the Constitution Party. The NVC is made up of former servicemen and women whose oath to support and defend the Constitution, sworn upon entering the military, is as sacred to them today as it was during their active service. The NVC acknowledges the sacrifices made by veterans and considers their contributions to our freedoms worthy of high praise. As the Constitution Party grows in numbers of registered voters and becomes a viable voting option on more and more state’s ballots, the coalition aims to encourage veterans throughout the U.S. to join together to promote adherence to the founder’s legacy- our Constitution. Just as our veterans fought for freedom while wearing the uniform of the Armed Services, now we stand together with them as we fight to give all Americans freedom at the ballot box to vote with a party that places principle above politics. The Constitution Party salutes all NVC members and invites veterans across the country to join our ranks.
Blazon: A shield azure, scrolled abase, surmounted by a plain banner, enhanced by a tri-hued tortilly that is pommellated sanguine.The Constitution is in chief, quilled superior, and surmounting a rising sword that is fimbriated gules.The quill is fimbriated vert.The quill and sword are parallel, not crossed.
Explanation of the Blazon: The National Veterans Coalition, established August of 2006, is an outreach of the national Constitution Party of the United States.
The shape of the emblem is derived from standard military emblems, which are derived from the National Shield.
The scroll is standard white, with royal blue letters to denote the government service of our military members and veterans.(Royal blue was chosen, instead of standard gold, to provide the contrast necessary so that our aging veterans could read the scroll with ease.Thus, the non-standard color shows our respect for all of our veterans.)
The banner is royal blue, with bright gold letters to denote our status as a nationwide organization.
The background of the emblem is sky blue to denote that the heritage of our laws came from above, inspired by God.
The Constitution is represented in tan, the natural color of the parchment upon which it was written, with standard black lettering.
The quill is white to denote the peaceful intentions of the Founders of this great nation, and of the National Veterans Coalition.The quill is also fimbriated with green to denote the hope of lasting peace.
The sword is shown to represent not only the nature of our military service, but also to show that we still stand ready to defend the Constitution and the principles that it established.
The pen points downward to show that our laws come from God.The sword points upward to show that the defense of our laws comes from the people gathered beneath the banner of the Constitution.
The sword is shown parallel to the pen to denote that both must work together, if necessary, and not at crossed purposes.
The quill is goutte with black ink to denote the permanent nature of the Constitution and of our status as “a nation of laws, and not of men”.
The sword is goutte with blood to remind us of the quote from Thomas Jefferson, “The tree of liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of tyrants.”
The pen is shown above the sword to denote our hope that the pen of peace will be the choice of all.
The tortilly above the banner shows three colors — green, gray, and white — to denote that our coalition is made of active military, former military, and their families.The three sets of colors in the tortilly represent our connection to the past, present, and future.The pommels on either end of the tortilly are sanguine (maroon), indicating our patience toward victory in battle.
“We’ll defend it still…”
The motto of the National Veterans Coalition, is both a reminder to our membership, and a warning to any tyrant or other enemy of the Constitution, that the American spirit runs deep within us and cannot be diminished by the expiration of our active military service.
United States Oath of Enlistment
The United States Military Oath of Allegiance is taken by members of the United States Armed Services on commissioning. It differs slightly from that of the oath of enlistment that enlisted members recite when they enter the service.
I, ____________, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
The Oath of Enlistment into the United States Armed Forces is performed upon any person enlisting or re-enlisting for a term of service into any branch of the military.
"I, _____________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States, the governor of the state of _______ (for National Guard enlistees) and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962.
Constitution Party of SW & Central Virginia
Scott Wolk, SW & Central Regional Director
5th, 6th & 9th U.S. Congressional Districts