Constitutional Convention Backers Want to Hijack the Tea Party Movement |
Section 287(g), the right answer for your local and state law enforcement: | Click Here |
CIS - Center for Immigration Studies, research reports and news: | Click Here |
Immigration Reform Law Institute, representing communities and law enforcement: | Click Here |
Automatic birthright citizenship exposed. Congress must act to stop it: | Click Here |
Immigration News and Commentary from the Congress & Illegal Immigration Website: | Click Here |
Anonymously report employers and illegals. Agencies need your help: | |
Report suspicious activity to ICE: | |
"Merger in the Making: North American Union Edition," The New American, Oct. 15, 2007. Click here to download a pdf (4 MB) of this entire 48 page issue.
"STOP THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION" -- The Greatest Threat to America's Sovereignty CITIZEN NEWS & ACTION KIT.
"Goodbye U.S. dollar, hello global currency" -- The director of international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations has launched a scathing attack on sovereignty and national currencies.
Make Congress read every word of every bill they create before they vote on it. -- Urge your Representative and your Senators to sponsor's “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA).
Repeal the Patriot Act
We said the government would abuse the Patriot Act, and it has. Now it's time to tell Congress to repeal it.
Whistleblower Protection
The House has passed a Whistleblower protection bill by a veto-proof majority. Now we need to have the same thing happen in the Senate. Send your Senators a message.
Agriculture Department Imposes New Program to Drive Family Farms Out of Business
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is busy implementing the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), a corporate welfare program for Agribusiness and surveillance technology companies. NAIS will drive family farms out of business, raise the price of your food, and increase red tape in nightmarish proportions. Click here to send a message to Congress urging them to dismantle the NAIS program.